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Develop and Compete 

We are back at Salvation Army for Saturday 2/10! There are NO CLINICS next Saturday February 17th. We will have our final 2 clinics 2/24 & 3/2 -  both held at Salvation Army.
Open to athletes grades 3-8 (2 Divisions - JV 3rd-5th / Varsity 6th - 8th)
Max of 24 athletes/division
Saturday Evenings this winter in Red Bank
7-week program January 6th - March 1st (we skip 2/17)

Develop and Compete is a coed clinic designed to help athletes transition from learning a skill to using that skill during game play. 


We will start each clinic with 30 mins of skills and team warmup drills followed by an organized 60 min game. We will mix the athletes up each week so teams will never be the same. Everyone will have a chance to play with and against each other. This format allows for skill development and gaining game experience. 


Athletes will receive a reversible jersey (included with that they will be expected to wear each week for game play. 


Jr Develop & Compete - Grades 3-5

*Ideal next step if your athlete participated in any of our clinics this Fall*

Saturday evenings 5-6:30p 


Varsity Develop & Compete - Grades 6-8

Saturday evenings 6:30-8p 


All sessions held indoor at the Salvation Army in Red Bank - 180 Newman Springs Rd Red Bank - the gym entrance is located to the back of the building. Please do not arrive too early as the doors will not be open until 2-3 mins before the clinic start time or until the clinic before you clears the gym. The coach will prop the door open when it is time to enter. 


We are allowing spectators to sit in on this clinic if you choose. If you plan on sitting in on the clinic, PLEASE refrain from distracting or interacting with any of the athletes. All parents must respect FUSION time, please allow us to coach your kids when your athlete is in the gym with us! Keep your interaction/comments limited with your athlete when you are in the gym. We reserve the right to remove any spectator not respecting the rules.





Weather - if we have to cancel for weather related reasons, we will do our best to make that decision by noon the day of. All weather-related cancellations and announcements will be posted HERE and on our Instagram page: @Fusionschool_basketball. We have February 25th designated for a make-up clinic date if necessary.


We only accept a certain # of athletes/clinic. Please carefully consider your schedule before registering as we do NOT give refunds for any program.


Program Cost: $200 

Cost includes a reversible jersey for every athlete

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