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Develop and Compete 

​Develop and Compete is a coed clinic designed to help athletes transition from learning a skill to using that skill in a game setting against competition. This clinic is open to beginner athletes grades K-3 this spring.


We will start each clinic with 20 mins of skills and team warmup drills followed by 40 mins of competitive play (3v3, 4v4 & 5v5 games). This format allows for skill development and gaining game experience. Athletes must have participated in our mini baller clinics or should have experience prior to joining this clinic.

Mini Develop and Compete
Open to athletes grades K - 3 *
Wednesday evenings 6-7p March 12th - April 9th​
*Max of 32 athletes accepted*

Athletes will receive a reversible jersey that they will be expected to wear each week for game play. 


All sessions held indoor at the Salvation Army - 180 Newman Springs Rd Red Bank. The gym entrance is located at the back of the parking lot past the building. Doors will not be unlocked until 5 minutes before clinic start time. Please do not approach the doors any earlier than that.


We are allowing spectators to sit in on this clinic. If you plan on sitting in on the clinic, PLEASE refrain from distracting or interacting with any of the athletes. All parents must respect FUSION time, please allow us to coach your kids when your athlete is in the gym with us! Keep your interaction/comments limited with your athlete when you are in the gym. We reserve the right to remove any spectator not respecting the rules.




We only accept a certain # of athletes/clinic. Please carefully consider your schedule before registering as we do NOT give refunds for any program.


Program Cost: $175 

Cost includes a reversible jersey for every athlete

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